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Sustainable Broomfield, USA


Challenger Profile at a Glance

Meet the Sustainable Broomfield team from Broomfield, Colorado! Find out how they are making a difference by composting, cleaning up, and advocating for a new sustainable business recognition program as part of the 2020 International Climate Action Challenge!


  • #61 – Sustainable Broomfield

  • 90-Day Challenge Goal: Expand efforts and advocate for sustainable business program

  • Location: Broomfield, Colorado, USA

  • Registered Challenger: Brianna Hallinan

  • 90-Day Challenge Period: September 1 – November 30, 2020


Here are some impact highlights from the Sustainable Broomfield team during the 90-day challenge period:

  • Held a community litter cleanup event and free backyard composting class

  • Compost Club: Turned 800 gallons of food waste into over 80 gallons of compost

  • Collected approximately 100 bags of leaves for future use in Compost Club

  • Shared 4 blog posts and 8 newsletters

  • Created a new fundraising opportunity by offering the Green Actioneers workbook for families

  • Developed four new partnerships: Resilient Restaurants Program, Small Business Development Center, and Colorado Green Business Program, Green Actioneers

Challenge Experience

What was the team’s experience during the challenge? Brianna shared:

  • The Climate Action Challenge book is helpful in growing your green team and directly applies to the overarching goals of the Sustainable Broomfield group

  • The challenge created a sense of urgency that helped the team investigate options for a sustainable business program

Next Steps

Moving forward, the team is planning to continue with existing efforts:

  • Continue growing existing efforts

  • Advocate for the city to move forward with a sustainable business recognition program


What is your advice for someone who wants to make an impact? Here’s what Brianna said:

  • Things do get easier and feel better working with a team.

  • Keep reaching out to different partners until you find one to help you succeed.


Want to get involved? Contact the team to participate as a member or partner.

  • Website:

  • Facebook: @sustainablebroomfield

  • Instagram: @sustainablebroomfield

  • Youtube: Sustainable Broomfield



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